Friday, June 29, 2007

Tokyo station

Hello people,

Have you ever seen the Tokyo station?

When you come to Tokyo,you can see the red brick building in Marunouchi side of Tokyo station. I see this building always on the way from work.

Although,there are so many beautiful railway station buildings in other country,I think that Tokyo station is one of them.

If you have oppotunity to come to Tokyo,I recommend to see this building.

Friday, June 15, 2007


Hello people,

Do you like beer?

In Japan,people can drink beer almost all over the world! I like guinness the best,it is made in Ireland. In some japanese supermarket,we can get a half pint guiness glass with 3 cans of guinness beer.

Let's have a glass,and drink the guinness beer!

Friday, June 8, 2007


Hello people,

What Japanese food do you like? Today,I write about Ramen.
Ramen is japanized food which is originated from Chinese noodle.

In detail,it is easy to understand to see here than to explain in this article.

This picture is Hakata Ramen. Its soup is made from pork bone,which is called Tonkotsu in Japanese.

There are many kind of ramen. If you have oppotunity to come to Japan. You should try it!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Long time no blog

Hello people,

It's been a long time! So many things happened in my personal life and working. I was so mentally exhausted that I couldn't write the blog.

But I'm all right now. I become blogger again! I will write about many things!

Thank you,